IT Law

Information technology law, known as IT law for short, concerns the legal issues relating to information technology. Sometimes terms like computer law, Internet law, multimedia law, or EDP law are used without this being associated with changes in content.

IT Law

The triumphal march of the Internet has influenced and changed the daily lives of millions of people. The IT industry is one of the core industries in the world. Due to the continuous technological changes and new developments, there are always new questions and solutions – including from a legal standpoint – in IT law. As many questions have not yet been finally answered by the courts, new legal territory is constantly being charted.

IT law focuses on contract law associated with websites, hardware, software, and related services. Software creation, IT project, software distribution, software as a service (SaaS), service-level, and hosting agreements are just a few examples of the particular contractual subjects in IT law. This also includes legal issues related to the public tender of IT services and the use of Supplementary Terms of Contract for the Procurement of IT Services (EVB-IT).

Agreements between the parties for corresponding projects are often not designed so that a clear enforcement of rights is possible. Particular attention therefore needs to be paid to wording the clearest and most unambiguous regulations possible when designing the contract, and the changes that almost always occur during the course of a project need to be included in a suitable manner.

Another important part of IT law are the questions regarding the use of the Internet, e.g. in connection with social networks such as Facebook, online advertising, and domain law. In these cases, questions regarding the right to privacy, competition law, and copyright and trademark law often play a role. In addition, e-commerce and data protection law are also focal points of IT law.

Our expertise in IT law

We have specialized lawyers with many years of experience in IT law and advise and represent software providers, Internet companies, startups, and numerous companies from other industries of all different sizes in all issues related to IT law. It goes without saying that we can prepare and negotiate contracts in this area, also in other languages, and particularly in English, which is the definitive language in the IT sector. To round off our services, we also represent our clients before the German and European courts and courts of arbitration.

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Dr. Markus Wekwerth

Certified Expert for:
Intellectual Property
+49 711 41019074

Clemens Pfitzer

Attorney . Partner
Certified Expert for:
Intellectual Property Law
IT Law
+49 711 41019072